Teaching resources
On this page you will find teaching material related to The Game Package, and information about the two games DataDelta and DataIceberg. In addition you will find links to more games and resources about Data Literacy- understanding data.
Teaching material
The Game Package consist of two games: DataDelta and DataIceberg. Here you will find teaching material for how the two games can be presented and used in teaching:
Download PowerPoint or PDF
Download Teaching guide
Do you have any questions, feedback og ideas about The Game Package? Please contact Fride Klykken:
About the games in The Game Package
✓ 4-6 players
✓ 30-45 minutes
✓ A great get-to-know-you activity
✓ Startingpoint for dialogue about internet use and data
✓ 2-4 players
✓ 30-45 minutes
✓ learn about different types of data
✓ with everyday life examples
Alternative DataIceberg gamebord (To be added)
More Data Literacy games
DALI Toolkit
The DALI Toolkit is a collection of learning games and recourses in english, norwegian, spanish and german, about Data Literacy.
Databox is an online 3D learning game where the players can learn more about data. The robot caracter DataBot welcomes you to its learningspace: Databox
Data Literacy resources and material
Digital course: Fantastic Data! (Norwegian)
The DALI framework for Data Literacy
Article: Developing the DALI Data Literacy Framework for critical citizenry
Article: Co-creating pedagogically informed games for data literacy
Article: Data literacy for citizenry