Dissemination & Public Outreach
Tools & Materials
EduTrust AI is committed to extensive outreach, sharing its findings and insights with a broad audience through various channels. Below is an overview of the project’s dissemination efforts to date, including research publications, presentations, workshops, and tools developed.
Cyndecka, M. (2024) AI in educational settings and data protection concerns. In New Challenges to Democracy: How can R&I contribute to a future robust society? Policy Briefs from UiB & NORCE. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/policy_briefs_digital_uib-norce.pdf & https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/malgorzata_cyndecka.pdf
Ness, I. J., Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., Steinsund, S., & Wasson, B. (2024). Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Game-Based Learning: ECGBL. https://doi.org/10.34190/ecgbl.18.1.2973
Viberg, O., Cukurova, M., Feldman-Maggor, Y., Alexandron, G.; Shirai, S., Kanemune, S., Wasson, B., Tømte, C., Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Coelho, R. & Kizilcec, R.F. (2024) What Explains Teachers’ Trust in AI in Education Across Six Countries? International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-024-00433-x
Liu, Q., Shakya, R., & Khalil, M. (2024). Differential Privacy for Enhanced Privacy in Educational Data Science. The NORA Annual Conference 2024. Kristiansand, Norway.
Ness, I. J., Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., Steinsund, S., & Wasson, B. (September, 2024). Poster: Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. UiB Innovasjonsfestival: from research to change.
Cyndecka, M. (November, 2023) Right to explanation of automated decision making. The case of using AI in schools, Cyberspace conference, Brno
Cyndecka, M. (January, 2024) AI in educational settings and data protection concerns New Challenges to Democracy, UiB and NORCE Policy Brief Event in Brussels on New Challenges to Democracy. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/policy_briefs_digital_uib-norce.pdf
Wasson, B. (January 2024). Research @ SLATE. Mattelektorsamling, UiB.
Wasson, B. (January 2024). Intro til kunstig intelligens i utdanning. Lærernes dag, UIB.
Wasson, B. (February 2024). EduTrust AI. UDIR Rundebordskonferanse, Oslo.
Wasson, B. (February 2024). Kunstig intelligens og utdanning: muligheter og utfordringer. Høyskolen i Østfold, Fredrikstad.
Wasson, B. (April 2024). Implementing Learning Analytics & AI in Education. Online Education Symposium, Japan.
Wasson, B. (April 2024). Implementing LA and AI in Education. EduTech Congress, Barcelona.
Wasson, B. (May 2024). AI in Education: Possibilities, Opportunities, Risks. NBCC Faculty Seminar. Moncton, NB, Canada.
Cyndecka, M. (May, 2024) Learning analytics in light of the GDPR and the AI Act, Keynote at Learning Analytics Summer Institute Europe (LASI Europe), Jerez de la Frontera and online. https://lasieurope24.snola.es/2024/04/24/conference-program/
Klykken, F. H. (June, 2024). Digital Transformation Through Non-digital Game-based Learning. International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica: Education and/for Social Justice. University of Cagliari, Italy.
Wasson, B. (July 2024). Invited Panel: Ethics of AI in Education. Onassis Foundation AI Festival, Athens.
Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., & Ness, I. J., (October, 2024). Learning about data through social connection: Game-based strategies in a continuing education workshop. UiB Læringskonferanse 2024: Connection, Community, Inclusion.
Ness, I. J., Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., Steinsund, S., & Wasson, B. (October, 2024). Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. 18th European Conference on Game-Based Learning: ECGBL
Ness, I. J., Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., Steinsund, S., & Wasson, B. (October, 2024). Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. UiB Læringskonferanse 2024: Connection, Community, Inclusion.
Wasson, B. (October 2024). New Legal Instrument: Why Needed, Why Now? Council of Europe Working Conference on Regulating the Use of AI systems in Education, Strasbourg. https://www.coe.int/en/web/education/-/working-conference-on-regulating-the-use-of-ai-systems-in-education Program: https://rm.coe.int/dgii-edu-aied-2024-04-2nd-working-conference-draft-programme-final-24-/1680b21d17
Wasson, B. (October, 2024). AI: A Problem or Solution? Conversation with Experts. International Conference on Preparedness for Multicrises.
Wasson, B. (October, 2024). Socio-technical perspectives on Trust and AI. Workshop on Explainable AI (xAI) at the International Conference on Preparedness for Multicrises.
Cyndecka, M. (October, 2024). Do we have the right to explanation of algorithmic decisions in light of the GDPR and AI Act? Workshop on Explainable AI (xAI) at the International Conference on Preparedness for Multicrises.
Liu awarded BestPosterAward_LAK24 (LinkedIn)
Khalil received 5 million NOK for his project ASPIRE (SLATE Website)
SLATE Presenting Games at UiB Innovation Festival (SLATE Website)
Inviterer til stor innovasjonsfestival ved UiB (UiB website)
UIB_Innovasjonsfestival (LinkedIn)
SLATE Presents Paper at European Conference on Games Based Learning (SLATE Website)
SLATE presenting at_ECGBL (LinkedIn)
SLATE Launching AI and Data-Focused Game Package for Schools! (SLATE Website)
DeltaiData! Launch in Grieghallen (LinkedIn)
DeltaiData! Launch (2) (LinkedIn)
DeltaiData! Launch (1) (LinkedIn)
DeltaiData! launch (Facebook)
Foredrag for digtalpedagoger i Vestland (Facebook)
SLATE med fire events på Lærernes dag 2024 (SLATE Website)
SLATE at UiB Læringskonferanse (SLATE Website)
SLATE at Læringskonferanse UIB (LinkedIn)
Wasson, B. (November 2023). UNBeknownst #33: Barbara Wasson on how technology and AI are shaping the future of learning. https://blogs.unb.ca/alumni/2023/11/unbeknownst-33-barbara-wasson-on-how-technology-and-ai-are-shaping-the-future-of-learning.php
Cyndecka, M. (May 2024) Student data handling: a balancing act between innovation and privacy (with Lucie-Anne Soubelet from det franske datatulsynet CNIL). InnovatED series – European Schoolnet, online. http://www.eun.org/documents/411753/11183389/Webinar+summary+-+Student+data+handling_a+balancing+act+between+innovation+and+privacy_Final.pdf/a4b5e8c8-1297-4bd5-93cb-d371eba83020
Klykken, F.H. (January 2024). Hvordan fremme data literacy gjennom spill. Lærernes dag, UIB.
Klykken, F.H. (Juni, 2024). Hvordan fremme data literacy gjennom spill. Samling for digitalpedagoger og skoleledere i Vestland Fylkeskomune. Arrangert av Avdeling for opplæring og kompetanse, Vestland Fylkeskommune.
Klykken, F.H. & Barendregt, R.D. (August, 2024). Delta i Data! En spillpakke for Data Literacy. Læring med KI! Konferanse for lærere. Grieghallen og Øyrane torg. Arrangert av Avdeling for opplæring og kompetanse, Vestland Fylkeskommune.
‘Delta i Data!’ Game Package
Including 2 learning games and resources focussing on Data literacy related to AI: DataDelta and Data Iceberg